Friday, March 5, 2010

So, I figured out how to hook up my camera to my mac via USB...

It only took me six or seven months.
And here are a couple pictures of the new workspace. Nothing too fancy, but we're excited about it.

I also finally got a decent mix for my vocal condenser mic! It's taken forever to find a good setup, but I think it's working best in Garageband with the Noise gate set at -50dB, and the Visual EQ set at "Reduce 'S'." There's still a bit of a hiss and an echo, but I think that once we soundproof the room it should mostly go away.

In other news, our first "electrified" show is coming up on Saturday--that is, if you consider an acoustic pickup and a trap set "electrified." We've hit a few snags in attempting to find a decent place to practice. We don't actually have a trap set of our own, and so we've been borrowing a set that's been left in our building by another group, but borrowing can be unreliable--sometimes there are pieces missing that make it impossible to practice.

We're still practicing when we can, though, and we should be able to post some decent youtube or vimeo footage by Monday, I hope.

Thanks for believing in us!



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