Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I desperately want one of these...

It's called a monome. They run about $500, and the people that make them don't make a lot of them, so they're UBER hard to find. I'm saving up my nickels and dimes (not to mention crossing my fingers for berfday moneyz) to try to get one someday.

The only thing is, I'm afraid I'd get one and not have the skill to be able to make good use of it...

I know for certain though that Derek Webb has done some pretty cool stuff with a monome/midi controller. I have a very limited understanding of how electronic music works (although I'm trying like mad to change that), but I think given time and effort (and perhaps even someone to help me along), I could probably churn out some cool tunes.


  1. That is insanely awesome! I hope you get one so that I can hear what you come up with! haha

  2. Sadly, like, the DAY after I posted this, the monome sold. There are two more available on ebay, but they are hella expensive.
