Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jam Session


I had an awesome jam session with my new friend Daniel Atwood and his friend Nathan last night. We played well into the wee hours o' the morning, but it was totally worth it. Here's a snippet of the almost two hours of recording time I caught with the mics (the acoustics in the room aren't so great, but not bad, considering we were using my little CAD condenser mic and a little pencil mic):

Also, Alyssa got me a neat little tea pot yesterday from a local thrift/antique/hipster shop while I was at work. I'll post pictures sometime soon.

Also, I'm reading this book now:

It's incredibly awesome, and I would love to find someone else who's read it and have a conversation with them about it. I'm not entirely sure why it kicked up as much controversy as it did, unless--like most controversies--the people who protested the release of both the book and the movie had neither seen nor read either of them.

Also, I just received word today that one of my poems is being published by this literary journal.

I also get a chance to record myself reading the poem (It's called "My Family Names Their Clocks and I Don't Know Why") for the literary journal's Illinois public radio program for NPR. So that's cool.

Also, I recently won the Sigma Tau Delta writing competition, and will receive some a little money and publication in our school's student lit mag. That's cool, too.

Hope this finds you all well. In the meantime, don't let things like this get you down.

I'm doing my best to not let it affect me.



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