Friday, March 12, 2010

I've been thinking about new instruments lately. I was tweeting with Derek Webb the other day, and he suggested the Livid Block to me as a viable substitute for a monome (they're a little more than a hundred bucks cheaper, so yay!)

I've also been thinking a lot about getting a new guitar--not in the immediate future, but just pondering the implications, you know. I'm currently playing a Takamine G-series that's a pretty great guitar: I learned to play on it, and I've spent years leading worship in churches and at camp with it. But I'm not crazy about the sound. Also, it's not electric, so I have to use a pickup any time I want to play through speakers or amps.

So I've been looking for something fairly cheap, but of good quality and sound, with one of the main stipulations being that it has to be electric. And I just happened to stumble upon the Alvarez FFT243CWR. It's a very pretty guitar, and I've seen some videos of it in action. I really like the sound. It's apparently designed specifically as a "folk" instrument.

So let me know what you guys think. I've been thinking about Danger Mouse, Derek Webb, and other electronic/folk/indie musicians lately, and I'd really like to do some bleep and bloop work. If you happen to know anything about this kind of music production, send me an email at




  1. Hey, this is Lake. I can link you to a few "folk" guitars that are cheaply priced, but not cheaply made.

    For instance, this is my guitar, though it's more country than folk:

    An Epiphone I considered buying:

    An Alverez with a sweet Fishman pickup/pre-amp:

    An Ibanez with a Fishman:

    I like this Ibanez, even with the "girly" colors:

    Same guitar, with a "manly" stained finish:

    Small bodied jumbo Ibanez (sorry, I really Ibanez...):

    A thinline Yamaha:

    Fender folk guitar (didn't know those existed...)

    Another one:

    And finally, a Fender signature model:

    Happy hunting, hope you find something worthwhile.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions, Lake. I really like darkest model of the Ibanez SGT 130.

    I'm still leaning toward the Alvarez, but I'd like to play it first, just in case.
